we recently found 2 vintage brown jordan chairs for our patio out front from craigslist at a really decent price. if you have never heard of the brand here is a little description from their website,
" Since 1945, Brown Jordan has designed luxury leisure furnishings and accessories that transcend time and liberate the senses. Established by Robert Brown and Hubert Jordan in Pasadena, California, Brown Jordan was the first company to create furniture for full-time outdoor use. The first of these innovative designs, constructed of tubular aluminum and vinyl lace, was fittingly called “Leisure” and marked the birthplace of outdoor furniture."
well the 'decent price' we found was recently one-upped when my mother-in-law was shopping at a furniture store and saw a complete patio set that she thought 'looked just like our chairs.' She sent me a picture of it on her phone and i asked her if they said brown jordan anywhere...sure enough they did and the set only cost $39. to find out just what a steal this is, try looking up these on ebay or etsy...and i think you'll share in my excitement. we had breakfast outside this morning and it was delightful!
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